Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lonely, Lonely Blog

It's quite sad when a writer has not made time for her blog. A blog is such a gentle simply way to express your thoughts to whoever may care to read them. It really is a powerful little toy, isn't it?

Some use their blog to chronicle their lives to a level of detail that, frankly, throws me for a bit of a loop.

There are a treasured group of bloggers that expands and changes who share their wisdom, whether real or imagined, on whatever topic they hold dear to their hearts.

Then there are the bloggers who have allowed this amazing nearly living piece of technology that is known as the blog to sit here devoid of entries for too long of time.

Today is the day to begin that change!

I'll see you tomorrow.


What causes you to procrastinate? Is it your blog?

Or maybe you've moved into the love affair with a blog? Drop a line and share!

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