Saturday, October 27, 2007

Today is a new day!

Hi everyone,

Well, today is an exciting new day. I want to tell you about the release of a new book that I have had the awesome privlege to review and put into action. The book is titled "Working Writer, Happy Writer" by Sue LaPointe. Sue is a freelance writer who started her own business a little more than a year ago and since that time she has moved up to the # 5 ranked writer (out of hundreds) on She has written a book that details everything she did to start a writing business from nothing to making over $5,000 a month in six months time. I was fortunate enought to review this book for Sue and put it into action. My own writing business "Write About Everything" is taking off and becoming a reality. This has been a dream of mine that I honestly never thought would take shape and take off. Thanks to Sue and this amazing book, it has.

If you have ever thought of starting your own writing business, this is the first book you need to read. Read it, do it, and succeed. It really is that simple.

Here's the link to Sue's book:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Old friends, new lives

Do you know people that just seem to have so many friends they can't even keep 'em all straight? I have had the amazing good fortune throughout my life to be one of those people. I've been pretty social most of my life and I genuinely like people, so it all came real easy. Not just acquaintances either, but good friends who cared about me a lot.
It seems life always intervenes, though doesn't it? Times change, people come and go and friends wander in and out of our lives. I've always believed that certain people are only intended to be in our lives for a short while and when we have each given what was needed to the other, then we move on.
Recently, I had the amazing experience of running into an old friend that I hadn't seen for probably 15 or 20 years. Wow, was that a surprise! Years ago we were best friends, practically inseparable through high school. We had so much fun and got into SOOOO much trouble! It was everything that a friendship between a couple of kids should be. Unfortunately we really lost touch. I blame a lot of that on me. I've spent most of my life staying in my own space as much as I can. I venture into someone's life and when I think I need to, I venture back out. Now here I am at an age I can no longer deny is middle age. I have narrowed the number of my friends considerably. I have also improved the depth and quality of my friendships and I make a real effort to stay in touch now. I don't know if its age or what. I think I've learned that I get to choose who to share my life with and quality beats the heck out of quantity every time.
I reconnected with another old friend a couple years back. That has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions I have ever made. We picked up right where we left off and we are as close as two friends can be. I am hoping to reconnect with this old high school friend in that same way.

We have different lives now--new lives. But that doesn't mean there isn't room for old friends! What do you think??

Friday, October 5, 2007

How's your higher self?

Have you ever noticed that when there is a message you really need to hear, it will continue to be repeated until you take some action? That always seems to be the case when I am being particularly stubborn or procrastinating to such a degree that it really should be some sort of yoga posture! And yet, there is something so forgiving in the universe that when you finally get the courage to step out and take action, wow! Things begin to fall into place.

I've had times, a lot of them to tell the truth, when I really began to wonder if my turns had just about run out. It seemed that something always got in my way, when really it was just me. When you have a dream, your true dream, and it hasn't worked out the way you hoped, eventually it seems easier to start letting go of the dream than to try again. You kind of move into a holding pattern. You can live in a holding pattern for only so long, though. It may seem that you stay on top of it for a very long time, and then, slowly it all begins to slip.

I think the magic is when you realize that clinging to that facade is a heck of a lot more work than just becoming who you really are after all. No more excuses, no more apologies, no more guilt.

Then, the door begins to open, and tomorrow comes after all.

Think about that for the night and we'll talk about it tomorrow.